The standard difficulty is 1.0, with 0.5 being quite easy and 1.5 being quite hard. It mainly affects enemy stats and the level of treasure you acquire. Input a seed value here, or leave it blank if you don't care.
P Randomize item prices and shop availability.
T Randomize trophies, poaches, and move-find items. R Randomize job requirements and job level JP. Y Randomize ability and weapon status effects. J Randomize job stats and JP required for skills.Ī Randomize abilities, including CT, MP cost, etc. Input the following flags to customize your RUMBLE CHAOS CRASHDOWN experience. The original Japanese version will not work. This is the version more commonly used by Japanese hackers. The Japanese version is the Square Millennium Collection edition (1.1). If your file is about 517 MB then it's probably correct. The ISOs used for testing have the following hashes: Please note that the randomizer needs 1 GB of free space to create the randomized ISO. You must include the file extension (ex: fft.img). Place your Final Fantasy Tactics ISO in the same directory as 'fft_rcc.exe' and input the name of the file. Other users, please run '' using Python version 2.7. Windows users may use the executable file, 'fft_rcc.exe'.