Of the two, swamp rabbits are most similar to cottontails, but swamp rabbits are generally larger, with relatively shorter and rounder ears, somewhat coarser fur with a yellowish cast, particularly in the rump, and more black mottling they have tawny rump fur, visible when fluffed the tops of the hind feet are reddish brown and the back of the neck is only slightly rust-colored.
Similar species: The only other rabbits in Missouri are the swamp rabbit and black-tailed jackrabbit. The underparts are grayish white except for a brownish chest the tops of the hind feet are tan to whitish. The back of the neck is bright rust-colored. The upperparts vary from reddish to grayish brown sprinkled with black when fluffed, the fur of the rump is grayish. The eastern cottontail is a medium-sized rabbit with long ears, large hind legs, shorter front legs, a short fluffy tail, and soft fur.